NCC & iNaturalist Backyard BioBlitz

Big Backyard BioBlitz

July 28 - August 1, 2022

Join our cross-country nature event!

It’s a unique way to give back to your community and the nature that surrounds us.

Love any excuse to be outside? Looking for another? Need some more “me” time, or a new activity for the kids? Then join the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Big Backyard BioBlitz. From city parks to remote campsites, you can participate from anywhere, at any time.

During last year’s event, participants, young and old, new and experienced, recorded more than 35,000 nature observations and made more than 4,200 unique species observations.

Here is a fun video about birds to watch in case you want to ID some birdies!!


PLWA Secchi Dip & water pollution


To bee or not to bee project, NCC